Upcoming Releases -- 2015

The Worthy Apprentice (Coming 2016)

The Worthy Apprentice

After the strange and fascinating events that transpired at Sha'mont, Bel and Shireen are sent to the Worthy Apprentice Trials to investigate and discover how far the avian plot extends. It is really nice to meet up with all their old classmates from the University of Arts and Magic. Until people start dying.

The Worthy Apprentice is a fantasy murder mystery mixed in with a daring heist.

Can Bel and Shireen continue to hide their love in front of the people who know them best? Can they stop the murderer before it's too late? Can they foil the avian plot before they steal the relic?




I am really excited about the books that I am currently working on. The Worthy Apprentice, Book 3 of The Apprentice Series is currently with my editor for review. I hope to release it sometime around May, 2016. In the first book, we found out that Bel had to sacrifice his love for Shireen, a fellow forest-mage, and pledge celibacy to become an apprentice. In book two, his mission takes him to the very castle where Shireen resides and practices magic. They are forced to work together and somehow try to prevent their tragic love affair from resurfacing, all th while attempting to avert a full scale war in the kingdom of the Greenlands. Book three continues this saga as the pair journey to the Worthy Apprentice Trials.